Kanye West Fan of Video Parody

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There’s little Kanye West can do without it going unreported in the media. A recent video, produced for his track ‘Bound 2′ caused a stir earlier this month when it was released for its raunchy depiction of West’ relationship with Kim Kardashian, the pair sharing a passionate bike ride in between West rapping to camera. The video has received over 13 million Youtube views to date.
Days after being released ‘Bound 2’ was parodied by Hollywood stars Seth Rogen and James Franco whilst on set for new film The Interview. Replicating the video shot-for-shot the pair undertake the roles of the two amorous lovers (Franco taking on the role of West whilst Rogen writhes on the video’s motorbike) making for a hilarious outcome – reportedly something West himself is quick to admit.
Kim Kardashian, the rapper’s fiancé, tweeted Rogen saying “Kanye says what’s up! He loves u guys! He laughed so hard at this”. Rogen replied, joking that Kardashian’s moves were hard to replicate. The parody has has had almost two million views at time of writing.
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