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Hello everybody, what’s up? You’re listening to I Was Just Wondering With Tom Salmon! The podcast that dives into music, film and games and everything else in between.
My guest on this week’s episode is drum and bass producer Stranjah, who started producing music in 1996, over his twenty five year career so far he’s released music on well respected labels such as Metalheadz, 31 Records, Hospital and Renegade Hardware. And he’s just released his six-track ‘Monkfruit’ EP on Worst Behavior back in October 2020.
We jumped into Stranjah’s experience of growing up in Toronto, Canada and discovering drum and bass music for the first time, why he started his record label Deviant Audio in 2016 and the importance of his mission to demystify music production so that virtually anyone can succeed at making music.
You can checkout Stranjah’s music, production kits and music tutorial videos at right now –
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