EA report a $308 million loss in its third quarterPost category: Gaming News ShareAll sharing options for:EA report a $308 million loss in its third quarterTwitter (opens in new window)Facebook (opens in new window)Linkedin (opens in new window)Reddit (opens in new window)Pocket (opens in new window)Flipboard (opens in new window)Email (opens in new window)Copy this URLThese are external links and will open in a new windowAdd to collection(s)
Former Sony executive to be honoured at awards ceremonyPost category: Gaming News ShareAll sharing options for:Former Sony executive to be honoured at awards ceremonyTwitter (opens in new window)Facebook (opens in new window)Linkedin (opens in new window)Reddit (opens in new window)Pocket (opens in new window)Flipboard (opens in new window)Email (opens in new window)Copy this URLThese are external links and will open in a new windowAdd to collection(s)
Top 10 upcoming games for 2014Post category: Gaming Feature ShareAll sharing options for:Top 10 upcoming games for 2014Twitter (opens in new window)Facebook (opens in new window)Linkedin (opens in new window)Reddit (opens in new window)Pocket (opens in new window)Flipboard (opens in new window)Email (opens in new window)Copy this URLThese are external links and will open in a new windowAdd to collection(s)
Red Dead Redemption sequel possible for 2014, says reportPost category: Gaming News ShareAll sharing options for:Red Dead Redemption sequel possible for 2014, says reportTwitter (opens in new window)Facebook (opens in new window)Linkedin (opens in new window)Reddit (opens in new window)Pocket (opens in new window)Flipboard (opens in new window)Email (opens in new window)Copy this URLThese are external links and will open in a new windowAdd to collection(s)
Watch Dogs on Wii U still available in GameStop storesPost category: Gaming News ShareAll sharing options for:Watch Dogs on Wii U still available in GameStop storesTwitter (opens in new window)Facebook (opens in new window)Linkedin (opens in new window)Reddit (opens in new window)Pocket (opens in new window)Flipboard (opens in new window)Email (opens in new window)Copy this URLThese are external links and will open in a new windowAdd to collection(s)
New Shadow of Mordor trailer released as developer questions codingPost category: Gaming News ShareAll sharing options for:New Shadow of Mordor trailer released as developer questions codingTwitter (opens in new window)Facebook (opens in new window)Linkedin (opens in new window)Reddit (opens in new window)Pocket (opens in new window)Flipboard (opens in new window)Email (opens in new window)Copy this URLThese are external links and will open in a new windowAdd to collection(s)