The Hateful Eight to get underway in November

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He’s been getting rather emotional of late, but one issue Quentin Tarantino seems to have calmed down about is The Hateful Eight, his next film that he has now confirmed will get underway in November.
This will be music to the ears of fans everywhere, as it looked at one point as if the director had well and truly got the hump and decided to bin the project altogether.
Things started to turn sour when a website allegedly leaked a copy of the script via a Hollywood agent. Tarantino proceeded to file a lawsuit, practically giving up on The Hateful Eight in the process: “I’ll move on to the next thing. I’ve got ten more where that came from.” Legal action has since been dropped, however, and the mood has somewhat brightened. At the recent Cannes Film Festival, he said: “I have calmed down a bit. The knife-in-the-back wound has started to scab.”
A strong indication that QT had a change of heart came last month, when a live reading of the screenplay took place in L.A. It is thought that those involved will form the cast for the film, which would include Tarantino stalwarts Michael Madsen and – shock horror – Samuel L Jackson, along with Kurt Russell, Bruce Dern and Amber Tamblyn.
As was previously alluded to, this is far from being the first ‘Tantrumtino’ of recent times, as rants from the Pulp Fiction maestro have humourously been dubbed. Last year, whilst in the UK for the premiere of Django Unchained, he infamously lost his rag with Channel Four News anchorman Krishnan Guru-Murthy, after being questioned about the film’s violent content. Back in Cannes this year, he also proclaimed that “cinema as I knew it is dead.”
The location for production of The Hateful Eight will be Wyoming, providing the perfect setting for the movie’s post-Civil War, western theme. No need to hold your horses anymore, folks, just saddle up for what’s already been a bumpy ride!
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