Mission: Impossible 5 Gets a Release Date

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[dropcap]T[/dropcap]om Cruise and his team of IMF agents will return for Mission: Impossible 5 in 2015. It’s been confirmed that the next sequel in the popular series will be released on December 25th, 2015.
Cruise will return to play the super spy Ethan Hunt, but it is not known who else will star in the film. The previous films had a plethora of good actors who played agents on Cruise’s IMF team including Ving Rhames, Jeremy Renner, Paula Patton and Simon Pegg. It would be nice to see some of those characters again, and time will tell if any of them will return.
Plot details are also unknown at this stage but it’s a safe bet the film will have plenty of crazy stunts and a high stakes plot. The series has managed to avoid becoming routine or tedious thus far, as each sequel outdoes the previous one in terms of spectacle.
Cruise will also co-produce Mission: Impossible 5 alongside J.J. Abrams and David Ellison. The lineup for December 2015 is looking good so far as Star Wars Episode VII will be released the week before M:I5. Fans of big blockbuster movies will get plenty of bang for their buck at the cinemas during that month.
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