Snow White sequel: Stewart in, Sanders out

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They say there’s no such thing as bad publicity, which could certainly turn out to be the case for the sequel to 2012’s Snow White and the Huntsman.
After all, as impressive as it was in places, this particular version of the classic Brothers Grimm tale was hardly creating headline news. That was until July, when the showbiz world reeled in disbelief as the story of an affair so shocking the Brothers themselves couldn’t have dreamt it up, became breaking news.
I am, course, referring to the fling between Kristen Stewart and Rupert Sanders, leading lady and director of the movie respectively. Stewart just happens to be the significant other of her Twilight co-star Robert Pattinson, whom it would seem any female with a pulse would give her right arm to be with (still can’t see it myself, but that’s another story). In the wake of it all, it was decided that plans for a Snow White sequel should be shelved, with many reports indicating that Stewart was going to be dropped from the project altogether. But in a dramatic turnaround she is back on board, with Sanders missing out instead.
So the girl who has made vamping it up into an art form is to reprise her role as the former Princess of Tabor (Snow White became Queen in the first film). If you’ve picked up a tabloid over the last week or so, you’ll have noticed, particularly with the event of this month’s London premiere of Breaking dawn Part 2, that life off-screen is looking particularly rosy for her as well, as her romance with Pattinson seems very much back on – poor old Rupert.
A new director could turn out to be a blessing in disguise though, as some critics slated Snow White and the Huntsman for its pace and execution. Rest assured, however, that with Stewart set to star again, the sequel will be another dark (does she do anything else?) take on the fairy tale. As for Sanders, it looks like he wanted out in order to concentrate on saving his marriage, leaving the way clear for Ms Stewart to resume acting duties.
The new name in the director’s chair is as yet unknown, as is a release date. What we can be sure of is that filming will begin next year and that we need to watch this space very carefully!
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