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Contagion – New Character Posters and Trailer
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Steven Soderbergh brings us Contagion. Starring Gwyneth Paltrow, Matt Damon, Marion Cotillard, Laurence Fishburne, Jude Law and Kate Winslet the film charts the rise of a devastating epidemic of a lethal airborne virus. Set for release in cinemas 21st October 2011, watch the trailer and see the new posters below!
Matt Damon is wary of catching the disease…
We like to think he’s on the phone to Neo telling him not to come into the Matrix…
Paltrow’s looking understandably concerned about the hand growing out of her head…
Jude Law isn’t taking any chances…
After surviving the sinking of the Titanic Kate Winslet is faced with a deadly disease…
Cotillard isn’t sure whether this is real or if she’s just dreaming it all…
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