This isn’t the film you’re looking for: Josh Trank quits Star Wars Anthology sequel

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Josh Trank, the director heading the second Star Wars Anthology film, has left production in order to pursue other “creative opportunities”.
He was due to direct the second film following 2016’s Rogue One, itself a spin-off from JJ Abram’s Star Wars The Force Awakens. Trank, known for his work on the 2012 Science Fiction thriller Chronicle, stated to that:
“I’ve put a tremendous amount of thought into this, and I know deep down in my heart that I want to pursue some original creative opportunities. That said, the Star Wars universe has always been one of my biggest influences, and I couldn’t be more excited to witness its future alongside my millions of fellow Star Wars fans. I want to thank … everyone at Lucasfilm and Disney for the amazing opportunity to have been a part of this. May the Force be with you all.”
Lucasfilm’s Vice President of Development, Kiri Hart, said: “It was a privilege to collaborate with Josh. We are grateful for the energy and love of Star Wars that he brought to the process, and we wish him all the best.”
The now director-less project is the second film in the Star Wars Anthology series, a trilogy of stand-alone films intertwining between the main series of films that will make up Episodes VII, VIII and IX. The first of these films, Rogue One, directed by Gareth Edwards and starring Felicity Jones, who received nominations for the Golden Globe, SAG, BAFTA, and an Academy Award for Best Actress, will be released sometime next year.
The Force Awakens, set for release later this year, is the first new Star Wars film to be produced by Walt Disney since it purchased the franchise from Lucasfilm in 2012 for $4.05bn. The previously mentioned Episode VII, it sees Franchise stars Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher all returning to their roles as Han Solo, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa.
No replacement for Trank has been named yet. However, his next project, this summer’s Fantastic Four, is due for release on July 30, 2015.
And from everyone here at Roobla: May the fourth be with you, but beware the darkside and the revenge of the fifth.
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