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News and Rumour Round-Up (01/05/11)
The best movie news from the last seven days
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Just in case the Royal Wedding eclipsed some of this week’s movie news, here’s our best bits from the last seven days….
- Bill and Ted could be set to return to cinema screens. Apparently Chris Matheson and Ed Solomon, writers of the first two Bill and Ted films, have finished scripting a third film that could see the two friends reunited.
- The 80’s duo aren’t the only characters set to return to cinemas. After completing his term as Governor for California, Arnie’s set to return to Hollywood. More specifically, the Austrian will be back in the Terminator’s shoes… watch this space.
- Although it’s set for release this summer, Warner Bros has just announced a further $9 million is to be sent on special effects for Green Lantern. Let’s hope it’s ready in time…
- Last week we brought you news that Jeremy Renner is set to head the Bourne franchise. Now news reaches us that he is set to star in a Steve McQueen biopic.
- This week also proved to be a huge hit for Harry Potter fans, with the first trailer for the franchise’s final instalment being released
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