Jason Momoa cast in Batman V Superman
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It’s looking like those rumours about Jason Momoa signing on for the role of Aquaman in Zack Snyder’s star studded Batman V Superman are going to turn out to be true after all. Hitfix are reporting that Momoa will indeed be appearing in the film, even though it hasn’t been officially confirmed by Warner Bros. yet.
Hitfix also suggest that much of Dawn of Justice will be focusing on the repercussions of all that crazypants destruction that went on in Man of Steel, and that Aquaman will be vexed about all the damage the world engine did to the Indian Ocean. The watery superhero will apparently only have a small part to play in Dawn of Justice, but this will set things up for him to appear in the planned Justice League movie.
If the rumours are indeed true, Momoa will be joining a pretty stellar cast, including Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, Amy Adams, Jessie Eisenberg, Jeremy Irons, Laurence Fishburne, and Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.
More news as we get it, but one thing we do know is that Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice will be hitting our screens in May 2016.
What do you reckon to Jason Momoa for Aquaman? Will he be a cross between King Triton and Khal Drogo? We certainly hope so.
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