Competition: Win Room 237 on DVD – CLOSED

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Yes, you guessed it. We have another amazing prize to giveaway! This time we have not 1 but 3 chances to win the award winning documentary Room 237! What are you waiting for? Enter now!
A subjective documentary that explores the numerous theories about the hidden meanings within Stanley Kubrick’s film The Shining (1980). The film may be over 30 years old but it continues to inspire debate, speculation, and mystery. Five very different points of view are illuminated through voice over, film clips, animation and dramatic reenactments. Together they’ll draw the audience into a new maze, one with endless detours and dead ends, many ways in, but no way out.
Our Room 237 Review.
How to Win
To be in with a chance of winning Room 237 on DVD all you have to do is click the Facebook ‘like’ button below or visit and ‘like’ our Facebook page by clicking here then ‘liking’ us (so we know you are real). Then finally fill out the details below so that we can contact you should you win.
Fill the ‘I want to win…’ section of the contact form as ‘Room 237‘ so that you have a better chance of being picked for this comp!
[si-contact-form form=’7’]
If you have trouble entering using the form above, you can email your entry to competitions(at) instead.
Please note:
- Open to UK residents only.
- The competition will close 20th Aprl, 2013 at 23.59 GMT.
- No alternative is available. Your prize may differ to that described.
- Your address may be forwarded to a third party in order for you to receive your prize.

But do not despair!
There will be loads of future competitions to enter as good or better than this one!
A quick follow on Facebook will make sure you never miss out ever again! Prizes to be won include Blu-rays, DVDs, Games, Posters, Gadgets, Tickets and plenty more!
By entering, you agree to our competition terms and conditions
- Open to UK residents only
- No alternative is available and the prize may differ to that described
- One entry per person
- We may share your details with a third parties (winners only)
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