Skyfall Officially UK’s Highest Grossing Film of All Time

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It’s official, everyone – Skyfall is even more spectacular than we thought it was. The latest James Bond has become the UK’s highest grossing film of all time, knocking sci-fi epic Avatar out of the top spot.
Not only has Skyfall done better than Avatar, it has done embarrassingly better than Avatar. In just 40 days on release, Skyfall has taken £94,277,612 at the box office. It took Avatar almost eleven months to make slightly less than that. Ouch.
Alright, so Bond is being beaten all to hell at the US box office by a bunch of sparkly vampires, but nobody on this side of the pond seems to care. Producers Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli are understandably pretty chuffed with the news – they released a statement saying:
“We’re overwhelmed with gratitude to the cinema going audiences in the UK who have made Skyfall the highest grossing film of all time.” (That’s you lot, by the way, if you’re reading this from Blighty).
“We are very proud of this film and thank everybody, especially Daniel Craig and Sam Mendes, who have contributed to its success.”
Pretty much everyone has also been remarking on how fitting it is that the latest Bond instalment should do so exceedingly well in the year of the 50th anniversary of the franchise. Add that up with the Olympics, the Jubilee, and the recently announced royal conception, and Great Britain would appear to be culturally tearing it up in 2012.
And, for those of us who may be snorting derisively at the film industry’s money-worshipping ways, consider this; as has been hopefully suggested before here at Roobla, ‘more films making more money means more money making more films’. Fingers crossed that the success of Skyfall will herald yet more brilliant British cinema duking it out with the big boys.
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